Saturday 17 December 2022

The Org Documentor and the Order of Execution Diagram


Earlier this year (2022) Salesforce Architects introduced a diagrammatic representation of the order of execution, which was a game changer in terms of easing understanding. I've had a task on my todo list since then to figure out how I could incorporate it into the Org Documentor, and thanks to using up some annual leave in a freezing December, I've finally had time to work on it.

Click to View

I already have information about the configured automation organised by the order of execution step, but currently in a text format:

so it made sense to try to repurpose this. I really liked the idea of making the diagram clickable, via an image map, but I wasn't overly keen on adding JavaScript to display popups with the details of the configured automation, so I went hunting for a CSS/HTML only solution. 

I found it at Mate Marschalko's Medium post, which showed how to use the :target pseudo-class to show or hide overlay divs without a single line of JavaScript, so set about applying this technique to the Org Documentor via a new EJS template, heavily based on my existing order of execution template. I also needed to generate the image map element based on selected areas of the Salesforce diagram, for which I used <img-map> - I did find that it all went awry after I selected 4-5 areas, so I did them one at a time and copied the coordinates over to my new template. 

After a few hours work I had a reference to the Salesforce diagram in the generated documentation for each object, via the new Image Detail column:

but with elements that could be clicked on:

which would display the automation configured for the object for that specific step and a description if the user cared to read more.

Albeit with a couple of caveats:
  • Because the red line around the clickable element is applied to an <area> element, these only display when the element is clicked. This means that to find what is clickable you need to mouse around looking for the change in the pointer (or look at the text version of the order of execution for the object and identify what is supported there)

  • The page jumps around a bit under you. This is due to the nature of the :target psueudo class - when you click on an element, the URL is updated with a fragment identifying the popup required, which transforms from zero size to it's configured size in the centre of the page. This causes the browser to scroll down to show it correctly. When you close the popup, the URL is changed to remove the fragment, which makes the browser jump to the top of the page. This could be obviated by using a smaller image, but my view is it's better to live with this and have an image that you can read.

Try it Yourself

Version 4.1. 0 of the plugin includes this functionality and is available from NPM.

The sample output has been regenerated on Render,com, so if you access:

and click element 3 - Executes "Before Save" record triggered flows, you can see it in action.

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Sunday 4 December 2022

The Latest from the Org Documentor

Migrated Sample Output

November 28th 2022 marked a sad day in the Salesforce ecosystem, as Heroku free plans ended. From the learning perspective it's a real shame, as I'd used the free plans many times in the past to learn more about Node and other web technologies. From the live apps perspective it wasn't a huge impact, as the only work that I wanted to keep was a few static sties. Now we are into December it's happened, so time to find another home for my sites.

I ended up going for render, as it has a well regarded free tier and was very straightforward to set up. Going forward you'll find the sample output at:

I've updated some of the references in this blog and elsewhere, but I'm sure I'll have missed some, so if you come across a broken Heroku link then let me know and I'll fix it up.

Version 4.0.6

There's also a new version of the documentor plug-in available from NPM - this is a community contribution from Carl Vescovi that fixes a couple of bugs in the flow handling and adds the flow type to the output. 

The Documentation Site

In case you haven't come across it before, the Documentor is documented (meta eh?) at:

This has details of how to setup and configure the Documentor, as well as release information.

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