Thursday 18 March 2021

The Documentor Documented (and Moar Detail)

This week I closed a couple of issues on the Org Documentor, and added some more flexibility around the output.

Moar Detail

The first issue was a request from Andy Ognenoff for some additional fields - relatively straightforward as three came straight from the CustomField metadata and one combined a couple of fields if the first was true. 

This gave rise to the need for a little more flexibility, as the pages started to get pretty wide with the number of columns and the length of the detail rendered. So the latest version of the plug-in allows you to configure the columns that will be displayed - at the group level, for all objects, or you can leave configuration alone and pick up the default of all columns.

Here's the configuration from my sample metadata repo:
"groups": {
    "events": {
        "columns":["Name", "Label", "Type", "Description", "Info", "Page Layouts", "Encrypted"],
        "description": "Objects associated with events",
        "objects": "Book_Signing__c, Author_Reading__c"
    "other": {
       "columns":["Name", "Label", "Type", "Description", "Info", "Page Layouts", "Security", "Compliance", "In Use", "Encrypted"],
       "title":"Uncategorised Objects",
       "description": "Objects that do not fall into any other category"
and the associated output, first for events, which just adds the Encrypted field (which is empty as I don't have Shield enabled!):

and then a new Email_Address__c field on the Author__c custom object, which includes compliance fields:

As always, you can view the output for the sample metadata on the public site.

The Documentor, Documented

The other issue that I finally got around to was documenting the configuration file. I used a Google Site for this, as I find them extremely easy to spin up and fill in. You don't get the same level of control that you would over something like Github pages, but if you want something out there quickly then they are hard to beat. There's not too much in there right now, mostly around setup and configuration, but more will come. If there's something that you particularly want to see, then create an issue in the Github repo and I'll see what I can do.

Updated Plug-in

Version 3.5.1 of the plug-in has this new functionality and can be found on NPM

If you already have the plug-in installed, just run sfdx plugins:update to upgrade to 3.5.1 - run sfdx plugins once you have done that to check the version.

The source code for the plug-in can be found in the Github repository.

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