Saturday 19 March 2016

Deploying Lightning Components - Go Big or Go Missing

Deploying Lightning Components - Go Big or Go Missing



Another week, another discovery around Lightning Components. This week its around deployment of components via the Salesforce Metadata API. I currently use the Force CLI wherever possible, as it uses OAuth to access the target org rather than requiring credentials to be stored on disk where they are potentially at risk. The tool itself doesn’t affect the behaviour, but its the one that I’ll be using for the examples.

After a recent deployment, we found that we were missing a JavaScript element from the bundle which broke a component. I can’t take the credit for identifying the underlying issue - that was Justin Baidoo-Hackman, one of my colleagues on the BrightMedia team.

Example Component

The sample component for this post is actually an application. Its very simple, and just asks the user to press a button which outputs an alert:

Screen Shot 2016 03 19 at 15 28 36

The bundle contents are as simple as you would expect. The application markup:

<aura:application >
    <h1>Deployment Test Application</h1>
    <p>Click the button below to execute a controller method</p>
    <button onclick="{!c.clicked}">Click Me!!</button>

the controller:

    clicked : function(component, event, helper) {

and finally the helper

    clicked : function(component, event) {
        alert('You just clicked!');

Deployment Process

I’m currently writing my Lightning Component code via the Developer Console (I know - I’m as surprised as you are!), which means that I have to retrieve them from the developer org and then deploy them to the target (usually customer) org. This is pretty easy with the Force CLI. First I login via the ‘force login’ command, which opens a browser window for me to login and authorise access to my org:

Screen Shot 2016 03 19 at 12 41 23

Once I have completed the login process, I can retrieve the Lightning Components metadata via the ‘force fetch’ command, specifying Aura as the metadata type to fetch:

Screen Shot 2016 03 19 at 12 43 52

This retrieves all of my Lightning Components and stores them in a metadata/aura subdirectory under my current directory.

To deploy the Lightning Components to my target org, I copy the components in question to a src/aura subdirectory and create a package.xml file describing what I want to deploy:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Package xmlns="">

and finally I deploy the components using the ‘force import’ command, specifying the src directory :

Screen Shot 2016 03 19 at 16 25 25

which all works fine.

Deploying Part of the Bundle

Obviously the deployment process that I use for real applications isn’t quite this simple, and I have a number of scripts to automate things. One feature that the scripts support is to deploy only those files that have been changed since the last deployment - when there are three or four thousand elements, you don’t want to deploy the whole lot each time - and it turns out that this was the cause of the broken component. The markup and controller had changed, but the helper hadn’t, and when only the changed files were deployed, the rest of the bundle disappeared.

To demonstrate this I copy just the application and controller, but not the helper, to a new subdirectory - srcgap (source with a gap - I’m so creative!) and execute the deployment again. Note that there are no issues and the number of successes is the same:

Screen Shot 2016 03 19 at 16 33 58

however if I execute my application again and click the button, I get a different result:

Screen Shot 2016 03 19 at 16 35 20

Looking in the developer console confirms that the bundle no longer contains a JavaScript helper.

A Bundle is a Single Metadata Component

I always find this type of behaviour unexpected when deploying, as these deployments are additive unless you specify a destructive changes file. The explanation, though, is simple -  an AuraDefinitionBundle is a single metadata component, even though it encloses multiple files. So whatever I deploy replaces the existing bundle with that name, rather than merging the contents of the new component (the changed application and controller) with the contents of the existing component (the application, controller and helper).

At the risk of sounding like a UK politician, let’s be clear that this isn’t a bug - the metadata API is working in the intended way. The upshot of this, as the title of this post states, is that if you don’t go big and deploy the whole component, some of your code goes missing. 

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Thursday 10 March 2016

Lightning Components - It's Inheritance, Jim, But Not As We Know It

Lightning Components - It's Inheritance, Jim, But Not As We Know It



Continuing the saga of developing Lightning Components for our BrightMedia product, I’ve been trying to make use of inheritance in order to be able to change the layout and styling of a bunch of components solving similar problems through a single super-component. The Lightning Components Developer’s Guide states that:

"A sub component's helper inherits the methods from the helper of its super component. A sub component can override a super component's helper method by defining a method with the same name as an inherited method." 

which all sounded very straightforward, but actually wasn’t.

The components in question were pretty complex, but to investigate what was actually happening I created some very simple components, initially just a super and sub component. And I was supposed to be on leave for the day.

Is it a bird? is it a plane? No its Super Component

The super component defined the markup and had the extensible attribute set to true to allow inheritance: 

<aura:component extensible="true">
    <aura:attribute type="Integer" name="clicks" default="0"/>
    <p>Hi, I'm supercomponent. Click the button below to execute a
    helper method</p>
    <button onclick="{!c.updateClicks}">Click Me</button>
    <p>This button has been clicked {!v.clicks} times.</p>

The super component controller has a single method - updateClicks - that is called when the button is pressed: 

    updateClicks : function(component, event, helper) {
        helper.updateClicks(component, event);

and the helper has a single method - updateClicks - which increments the 'clicks' attribute

    updateClicks : function(cmp, ev) {
        var clicks=cmp.get('v.clicks');
        cmp.set('v.clicks', clicks);

Using this component inside an application works as expected and every click of the button updates the number of clicks messages:

Screen Shot 2016 03 10 at 15 26 56

Not very exciting, but stick with me as it will get more interesting.

On a Sub Mission

I then create a sub component, which extends the super component by specifying the extends attribute: 

<aura:component extends="c:SuperComponent">

This component doesn't have a controller, just a helper that overrides the updateClicks method, to add 10 to the clicks count

    updateClicks : function(cmp, ev) {
        var clicks=cmp.get('v.clicks');
        cmp.set('v.clicks', clicks);

and as far as I was concerned, job done. Updating my application and using the sub component rather than the super component, I clicked the button and the behaviour was exactly the same as before - the counter incremented by 1.

(In fact what actually happened was that I forgot to update my application, but that spoils the image of infallibility that I carefully cultivate in these posts!).

After reconfirming that my syntax, attributes etc were correct, I set about trying to understand what was happening. 

You’re Not My Real Helper, You Can’t Tell Me What To Do!

After a few blind alleys, I added the following line to my controller method:

console.log('Component = ' + JSON.stringify(component));
console.log('Helper method =' + helper.updateClicks);

and got the following output:

Component = "{\"descriptor\":\"markup://bblightning:SuperComponent\",\"globalId\” …}" 

Helper method =function (cmp, ev) {
        var clicks=cmp.get('v.clicks');
        cmp.set('v.clicks', clicks);

Which showed that the component being used by the framework wasn’t the subcomponent at all, but the super component! This sort of makes sense when you consider that there is only one controller, and that lives in the super component.It isn’t the way that inheritance works in an OO language such as Java, where the controller would be available as part of the sub component, but it is the way that Lightning Components work so I had to accept that and move on.

O Helper, Helper! Wherefore Art Thou, Helper?

Digging through the Lightning JavaScript reference documentation, I came across the following method on the component object:

getConcreteComponent ()

Gets the concrete implementation of a component. If the component is concrete, the method returns the component itself. For example, call this method to get the concrete component of a super component. 

So it appeared that it was up to me to sort out the correct component in the controller, which could be handled by a one line change:

var cc=component.getConcreteComponent();

and this worked exactly as expected - logging the value of cc to the JavaScript console showed that the concrete component was indeed an instance of SubComponent. All I needed now was to get the concrete component’s helper, and I could invoke the appropriate subcomponent helper method. Once again, it all sounded simple.

Sadly, reading through the documentation showed no getHelper() method on the component object, nor anything that obviously would allow me to derive the helper. The reference documentation is okay if you know what you are looking for, but searching for method names doesn’t return any results, and I wasn’t looking forward to scouring every page. Then I remembered that aura is an open source framework and the source is available on github, which has pretty good repository search tools. 

Executing a search for getHelper, not only showed that there was a method available, it also returned a couple of results that were perfect examples of how to use it:

helper = component.getConcreteComponent().getDef().getHelper();

the getDef() returns the ComponentDef object for the component, which exposes a getHelper() method, which gives me access to the helper. My controller method could now determine the correct helper and execute the method:

updateClicks : function(component, event, helper) {
    console.log('Component = ' + JSON.stringify(component));
    console.log('Helper method =' + helper.updateClicks);
    var cc=component.getConcreteComponent();
    var cchelper=cc.getDef().getHelper();
    cchelper.updateClicks(component, event);

back to my application, and things now worked as expected, adding 10 to the clicks count every time I clicked the link. Finally some good news!

Subbing the Sub

Something I needed in my real-world application was the ability to have a SubSub component, that extended a Sub component that in turn extended a Super component. The Lightning Components Developer’s Guide was a little ambivalent about this, saying that a component can extend one extensible component. This can be read that:

  • multiple inheritance is not supported
  • once a single level of extension had taken place, no further extension is possible

After my inheritance fun and games, I wasn’t taking any chances, so enter SubSub Component, which was much the same as SubComponent, but added 100 to the clicks count. Updating my application to use the SubSub Component and clicking the button added 100, so the good news continued, which is most unusual in my experience.

Ever Decreasing Circles

The other scenario I was keen to understand, not because I needed to but because I was curious, was what happened if I called a super component method from the sub component, and that then called a method that was present in the super component but overridden in the sub component. So in my super component I have:

super : function(cmp, ev) {
    this.delegate(cmp, ev);
delegate : function(cmp, ev) {
    alert('In SuperComponent Delegate');

and in my sub component I have:

doStuff : function(cmp, ev) {
    this.super(cmp, ev);
delegate : function(cmp, ev) {
    alert('In SubComponent Delegate');

When I execute doStuff() in my sub helper, it will call the super() method in the super helper. What I wasn’t clear about was which delegate() method would then be called - the one from the super helper or the overridden one in the sub helper. What I hoped would happen is that the overridden method in the sub helper would be invoked, as that is how I expect inheritance to work - I shouldn’t end up in an instance of the super helper just because I execute a method that I’ve inherited. The good news is that’s exactly how it works! More good news - this was turning into a great day.

In Conclusion

Simply put, inheritance works as expected as long as you start your processing from the sub component.

Where its not intuitive is when you start the processing from the super component. The controller only knows about its own helper, rather than that of any others that may have inherited from it, so it can only execute methods on its own helper. If you want use inheritance techniques from the super component controller, you need to help it out and find the correct helper.

Simply put (again), if you have any helper methods that can be overridden, and you execute any of these from the super controller, you need to make sure that your super controller finds the correct helper and uses that.

Just One More Thing

Don’t use controller inheritance, tempting though it is. It works now, but may not in the future, and it will take you ages to realise that and figure out why your funky inheritance model no longer works. From the Developer’s Guide:

We don't recommend using inheritance of client-side controllers as this feature may be deprecated in the future to preserve better component encapsulation. 

(Just one more one more thing : the title of this post is a play on the “It’s life, Jim, but not as we know it” that Mr Spock said to Captain Kirk in Star Trek, which never happened!)

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Saturday 5 March 2016

Lightning Components,Visualforce and SObject Parameters

Lightning Components,Visualforce and SObject Parameters


This week’s post concerns the original issue that I mentioned in last week’s post, Lightning Component Events - Change Types with Care. First a bit of background - I first saw this issue manifest itself in our BrightMedia demonstration community. The community home page lists items of premium inventory that are still available:

Screen Shot 2016 03 05 at 11 43 02

and users can click the ‘Book’ button to place an advert in that space. Clicking the button opens the community booking page, which is composed of a number of Lightning Components (each of which is composed of Lightning Components, and so on, a bit like Russian dolls). These are the same components that are used in our mobile application, except that there they appear individually as part of a booking wizard. As we weren’t using the community builder, but Visualforce pages and custom objects, the components are surfaced via Visualforce as detailed in LDS Activity Timeline, Lightning Components and Visualforce :

Screen Shot 2016 03 05 at 11 45 34

The user then chooses the date on which they would like to place the ad, and clicks the ‘Pay and Confirm’ button to make an online payment and commit the booking.

The Problem

All this has been working fine for some time, since at least Dreamforce 2015 which is where we first demonstrated it, but as of the Spring 16 release we started seeing the following error:

Screen Shot 2016 03 05 at 11 57 53

The Solution (altogether now : Oh No It Isn’t)

After spending some time debugging this, I came to the (erroneous, it turned out) conclusion that the issue was caused by a bonus $serId attribute that appeared on one of the sobject instances that is being sent back to the server. Stripping this attribute via a JSON stringify replacer fixed it in this specific case. However, we then started seeing it when building new functionality, where there were no bonus attributes, just those that matched the sobject fields.

Reproduce It and You Can Fix It

The difficulty I had tracking down what was going on in the community booking page was the sheer number of components and amount of JavaScript to wade through - while booking an ad might sound simple, there’s several thousand lines of code behind it to handle all the edge cases. What I needed was to be able to reproduce the problem in a simple test case, especially if I wanted to raise a case with Salesforce support. To achieve this I built a simple example component that retrieved an Account when the user clicked a button and stored it as an attribute in the component. Then when the user clicked another button, retrieved the Account and sent it back to the server. This of course worked perfectly so it was back to the drawing board. 

The component:

 <aura:component controller="bg_SObjectTestCtrl">
    <aura:attribute name="acc" type="Account" />

    <button onclick="{!c.getFromServer}">Get the Account</button><br/>
    Account Name : {!v.acc.Name}<br/>
    <button onclick="{!c.sendToServer}">Send the Account</button>

The component controller:

    getFromServer : function(component, event, helper) {
        helper.getFromServer(component, event);
    sendToServer : function(component, event, helper) {
        helper.sendToServer(component, event);

(I know I could have put all the logic into the controller, but I delegated to the helper as that is how my real application that exhibited the error worked, and you never know).

The component helper:

    getFromServer : function(cmp, ev) {
        var action=cmp.get('c.GetAccount');
        var self=this;
        action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
                self.actionResponseHandler(response, cmp, self, self.gotAccount);
    gotAccount : function(cmp, helper, acc) {
        cmp.set('v.acc', acc);
    sendToServer : function(cmp, ev) {
        var action=cmp.get('c.SendAccount');
        var acc=cmp.get('v.acc');
        action.setParams({'acc' : acc});
        var self=this;
        action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
                self.actionResponseHandler(response, cmp, self, self.sentAccount);
    sentAccount : function(cmp, helper, acc) {
        alert('Sent account to server');
    actionResponseHandler : function (response, component, helper, cb, cbData) {
        try {
            var state = response.getState();
            if (state === "SUCCESS") {
                var retVal=response.getReturnValue();
                cb(component, helper, retVal, cbData);
            else if (state === "ERROR") {
                var errors = response.getError();
                if (errors) {
                    if (errors[0] && errors[0].message) {
                        alert("Error message: " + errors[0].message);
                else {
                    alert("Unknown error");
        catch (e) {
            alert('Exception in actionResponseHandler: ' + e);

and finally the Apex controller:

public class bg_SObjectTestCtrl {
    public static Account GetAccount()
        Account acc=new Account(Name='Test Account');

        return acc;

    public static void SendAccount(Account acc)
        System.debug('Account = ' + acc);

On the community booking page, the booking is passed around many of the components via event attributes, so I decided this was the likely candidate, and added another component and associated event to my attempt to reproduce, sending the Account between the components via events. Aside from breaking my deployment when I changed the component type without changing the rest of the markup, this attempt fared no better.

Its In the Visualforce

After further digging around and discussions, I realised that the common denominator was that the components were embedded in a Visualforce page, so I had another avenue to explore.

The Visualforce page:

<apex:page sidebar="false" showHeader="false" standardStylesheets="false">
    <apex:includeLightning />
    <div id="lightning"/>

        $Lightning.use("c:SObjectTestApp", function() {
                  function(cmp) {
                    // any additional processing goes here

The lightning application that makes the component accessible via Visualforce:

<aura:application access="GLOBAL" extends="ltng:outApp">
    <aura:dependency resource="c:SObjectTest" />

Sadly this gave the same results - everything worked fine and there were no errors.

What’s In An SObject

In what was starting to feel like a final roll of the dice, I examined the sobjects that were causing the issue on the booking page. One characteristic that they had that my sample component Account didn’t was one or more populated relationship fields (lookup or master-detail) fields.

I changed my Apex controller to populate the ParentId on the Account :

public static Account GetAccount()
    List<Account> accounts=[select id from Account limit 1];
    Account acc=new Account(Name='Test Account',

    return acc;

This did the trick and started throwing the error. So now I had a simple example that exhibited the same issues as my complex page.

The Solution (altogether now: Oh Yes It Is!)

After verifying that there was nothing untoward going on with my account, no bonus attributes, I set about trying to find a way to get the Account recognised as an sobject by the framework. I had a vague recollection of reading something from Doug Chasman around how some components needed a helping hand to identify the type of sobject they were dealing with, and a default instance containing the sobjectType attribute was the recognised way to achieve this. Checking my sobjects, I could see that this attribute wasn’t set when the Account was sent through, so I changed my sample component helper method that sends the account to the server accordingly:

sendToServer : function(cmp, ev) {
    var action=cmp.get('c.SendAccount');
    var acc=cmp.get('v.acc');

    // set the sobjectType!

    action.setParams({'acc' : acc});
    var self=this;
    action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
            self.actionResponseHandler(response, cmp, self, self.sentAccount);

and this fixed the problem. I then applied the same fix to my community booking page and that also started working. Quite why the Lighting platform can’t recognise an Account when there is a lookup field populated, but can with only the Id and Name to work with is anyone’s guess, but there you have it!

My booking page sobjects still had the $serId bonus attribute by the way, so that turned out to be a total red herring!

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