Monday, 27 August 2018

Lightning Emp API in Winter 19

Emp API in Winter 19


It’s August. After weeks of unusually sunny days, the schools in the UK have broken up and the weather has turned. As I sit looking out at cloudy skies, my thoughts turn to winter. Winter 19 to be specific - the release notes are in preview and some of the new functionality has hit my pre-release org. The first item that I’ve been playing with is the new Emp API component, which takes away a lot of the boilerplate code that I have to copy and paste every time I create a component that listens for platform events.

From the preview docs, this component

Exposes the EmpJs Streaming API library which subscribes to a streaming channel and listens to event messages using a shared CometD connection. This component is supported only in desktop browsers. This component requires API version 44.0 and later.

What I Used to Do

Previously, to connect to the streaming API and start listening for events, I’d need code to:

  • Download the cometd library and put it into a static resource
  • Add the static resource to my component
  • Instantiate org.cometd.CometD
  • Call the server to get a session id
  • Configure cometd with the session id and the Salesforce endpoint
  • Carry out the cometd handshake
  • Subscribe to my platform event channel
  • Wiat for messages

What I do Now

  • Add the lightning:empApi component inside my custom component:
  • Add an error handler in case anything goes wrong
  • Subscribe to my platform event channel
  • Wait for a message

In practice this means my controller code has dropped from 70 odd lines to around 20,


The first thing I need for an example is a platform event - I’ve created one called Demo_Event__e, which contains a single field named ‘Message__c’. This holds the message that I’ll display to the user.

My example component (Demo Events) actually uses a couple of standard components - the Emp API and the notifications library - the latter is used to show a toast message when I receive an event:

<lightning:empApi aura:id="empApi" /> 
<lightning:notificationsLibrary aura:id="notifLib"/>

The controller handles all the setup via a method invoked when the standard init event is fired. Before I can do anything I need a reference for the Emp API component:

var empApi = component.find("empApi");

Once I have this I can subscribe to my demo event channel - I’ve chosen a replayId of -1 to say start with the next event published. Note that I also capture the subscription object returned by the promise so that I can unsubscribe later if I need to (although my sample component doesn’t actually do anything with it).

var channel='/event/Demo_Event__e';
var sub;
var replayId=-1;
empApi.subscribe(channel, replayId, callback).then(function(value) {
      console.log("Subscribed to channel " + channel);
      sub = value;
      component.set("v.sub", sub);

I also provide a callback function that gets invoked whenever I receive a message. This simply finds the notification library and executes the showToast aura method that it exposes.

var callback = function (message) {
      	"title": "Message Received!",

On the server side I have a class exposing a single static method that allows me to publish a platform event:

public class PlatformEventsDemo
    public static void PublishDemoEvent(String message)
        Demo_Event__e event = new Demo_Event__e(Message__c=message);
                Database.SaveResult result = EventBus.publish(event);
                if (!result.isSuccess())
            for (Database.Error error : result.getErrors())
                System.debug('Error returned: ' +
                             error.getStatusCode() +' - '+

Running the Example

I’ve added my component to a lightning page - s it doesn’t have any UI you’ll have to take my word for it! Using the execute anonymous feature of the dev console, I publish a message:

Screen Shot 2018 08 25 at 13 51 12


And on my lightning app page, shortly afterwards I see the toast message:


Screen Shot 2018 08 25 at 13 49 55


More Information


Sunday, 5 August 2018

Putting Your TBODY on the Line

Putting Your TBODY on the Line



This week I’ve been working on a somewhat complex page built up from a number of Lightning components. One of the areas of the page is a table showing the paginated results of a query, with various sorting options available from the headings, and a couple of summary rows at the bottom of the page. The screenshot below shows the last few rows, the summary info and the pagination buttons.

Screen Shot 2018 08 04 at 17 34 06

The markup for this is of the following format:

<aura:iteration ...>
<th> _head_ </th>
</aura:iteration ...>
<aura:iteration ...>
<td> _data_ </td>
</aura:iteration ...>

So pretty much a standard HTML table with a couple of aura:iteration components to output the headings and rows. Obviously there’s a lot more to it than this, and styling etc, but for the purposes of this post those are the key details.

The Problem

Once I’d implemented the column sorting (and remembered that you need to return a value from an inline sort function, otherwise it’s deemed to mean that all the elements are equal to each other!), I was testing by mashing the column sort buttons and after a few sorts something odd happened:

Screen Shot 2018 08 04 at 17 35 10

The values inserted by the aura:iteration were sandwiched in between the two summary rows that should appear at the bottom.  I refreshed the page and tried again and this time it got a little worse:

Screen Shot 2018 08 04 at 17 33 32

This time the aura:iteration values appeared below both summary rows. I tested this on Chrome and Firefox and the behaviour was the same for both browsers. 

The Workaround

I’ve hit a few issues around aura:iteration in the past, although usually it’s been the body of that components rather than the surround ones, and I recalled that often the issue could be solved by separating the standard Lightning components with regular HTML. I could go with <tfoot>, but according to the docs this indicates that if the table is printed the summary rows should appear at the end of each page, which didn’t seem quite right.

I already had a <tbody>, but looking at the docs a table can have multiple <tbody> tags, to logically separate content, so another one of these sounded exactly what I wanted. Moving the summary rows into their own “section” as follows:

<aura:iteration ...>
<th> _head_ </th>
</aura:iteration ...>
<aura:iteration ...>
<td> _data_ </td>
</aura:iteration ...>

worked a treat. Regardless of how much I bounced around and clicked the headings, the summary rows remained at the bottom of the table as they were supposed to.

I haven’t been able to reproduce this with a small example component - it doesn’t appear to be related to the size of the list backing the table as I’ve tried a simple variant with several thousand members and the summary rows stick resolutely to the bottom fo the table. Given that I have a workaround I’m not sure how much time I’ll invest in digging deeper, but if I do find anything you’ll read about it here.

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