Sunday, 27 November 2016

Force CLI Part 5 - Node Wrapper

Force CLI Part 5 - Node Wrapper



In earlier posts in this series I shared the odd example bash script that carried out some combination of commands in conjunction with the Force CLI to achieve things like creating a zip backup of Salesforce metadata. The reason I went with bash scripts is that I know the syntax really well and was able to quickly build some tools for managing deployment of our BrightMedia Full Force solution. In essence it allowed us to get big quick.

However, there are a couple of downsides to this approach:

  • Not that many people know bash these days - I spent many years building systems on Linux so I’m pretty familiar with it, but I didn’t want to be a bottleneck
  • Bash isn’t the easiest tool to process XML or JSON format data. You either end up running the files through additional commands such as XMLStarlet, which gives you a whole new syntax/configuration to learn, or you start parsing it using tools like sed and awk, which works for the basics but quickly becomes unusable with complex data.
I’m pushing most of our people towards JavaScript now, with the advent of lightning components, so JavaScript running on the Node platform seemed like the obvious choice to rewrite the scripts in. I then found out that the CLI for SalesforceDX will be built in JavaScript on Node, and will have a plugin architecture to allow us to extend it, which more than justified my choice. 

JSON takes Salesforce Data

While my code behind the tools is now a lot more flexible and easier to maintain, the key use case I’ve found is when extracting Salesforce record data for processing - e.g. carrying out a data fix as part of a release. The Force CLI can output the results of a query formatted as a JSON string, and JavaScript can parse this into an object using the built in JSON.parse() function.

The following example reflects a real-world scenario I encountered a few weeks ago. I was bitten by a known issue with the Winter 17 release of Salesforce, which meant that I couldn’t login to the Lightning Experience. I needed to flip the users in this org to the classic interface, which I started doing via the data loader before creating a script to do the same thing with the Force CLI wrapped in a Node script.

Getting Started

First, download and install Node from the NodeJS org website.

Then create a new directory for the project - in this example a subdirectory named cli.

  • mkdir cli
  • cd cli
Next, create a Node package file for the project:
  • npm init

Accept the defaults for everything and add a description if you so desire.

Note that you don’t strictly need to do this, for the simple example in this post, but it’s a really good habit to get into for when you need to include dependencies on other packages.

Show Me the Code

Save the following code into a file named index.js :

var child_process=require('child_process');
var instance=process.argv[2];
if (instance===undefined) {
var loginOpts=['login', '-i=' + instance];
child_process.execFileSync('force', loginOpts);
// extract the user records as JSON
var queryOpts=['query', 'select id, Username, UserPreferencesLightningExperiencePreferred from User',
var uJSON=child_process.execFileSync('force', queryOpts);
// turn into a JS object
var users=JSON.parse(uJSON);
// dump the users out to the console
for (var idx=0, len=users.length; idx<len; idx++) {
    var user=users[idx];
    console.log('User = ' + JSON.stringify(user, null, 4));

 Executing this produces the following (edited) output: 

kbowden@Keirs-MacBook-Air cli $ node index.js
User = {
    "Id": "00524000003vqIgAAI",
    "UserPreferencesLightningExperiencePreferred": true,
    "Username": "",
    "attributes": {
        "type": "User",
        "url": "/services/data/v36.0/sobjects/User/00524000003vqIgAAI"
User = {
    "Id": "00524000000FctAAAS",
    "UserPreferencesLightningExperiencePreferred": true,
    "Username": "",
    "attributes": {
        "type": "User",
        "url": "/services/data/v36.0/sobjects/User/00524000000FctAAAS"

So I can see that a number of users are setup for the Lightning Experience.

Explain Yourself

Breaking down the code a little, the first line loads the child_process module, which allows a script to spawn other processes:

var child_process=require('child_process');

The next lines figure out the correct Salesforce instance to connect to - the default is login, but you can override this by passing an additional argument after index.js, such as test to connect to the sandbox login endpoint. Once this is done, a child process is spawned to execute the login. 

var instance=process.argv[2];
if (instance===undefined) {
var loginOpts=['login', '-i=' + instance];
child_process.execFileSync('force', loginOpts);

Note that the chid process function takes two parameters - the first is the command to execute (force in this case) and the second an array of parameters to pass to the command. Note also that I use the execFileSync variant to execute the command synchronously and return the output as the result which I promptly ignore!

Next, a query is executed via the Force CLI to extract details of all users in JSON format:

// extract the user records as JSON
var queryOpts=['query', 'select id, Username, UserPreferencesLightningExperiencePreferred from User',
var uJSON=child_process.execFileSync('force', queryOpts);

and this is converted to an array of JavaScript objects:

var users=JSON.parse(uJSON);

Updating the Users

Once I verified that I could extract the users successfully, I could then update each user to use Salesforce Classic, by replacing the final loop with the following code which executes the Force CLI record update command for each returned user:

for (var idx=0, len=users.length; idx<len; idx++) {
    var user=users[idx];
    if (user.UserPreferencesLightningExperiencePreferred) {
        console.log('Reverting user ' + user.Username + ' to classic');
        var updateOpts=['record', 'update', 'user', user.Id,
     child_process.execFileSync('force', updateOpts);

Running the revised script gives the following (edited) output:

kbowden@Keirs-MacBook-Air cli $ node index.js login
Reverting user to classic
Reverting user to classic

Logging in after executing this script confirms that the users have been updated correctly as I am taken straight to the classic UI rather than a sad snowman with an error message! 

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Thursday, 10 November 2016

Lightning Component Actions with Signature Capture Part 2

Lightning Component Actions with Signature Capture Part 2


In the first part of this blog I covered how to set up a quick action using the Lightning Component Action in the Signature Capture package. In this post I’ll show how to create a custom lightning component action that wraps the Signature Capture component and allows overriding of the default text and labels.


The following list shows the Signature Capture message/label attributes and their default values:

  • startMsg - “Click the ‘Capture Signature’ button to begin 
  • enterMsg - “Sign here please"
  • completeMsg - “Here is the captured signature"
  • captureButtonLabel - “Capture Signature"
  • saveButtonLabel - “Save”     (new in Winter 17)
  • clearButtonLabel - “Clear”    (new in Winter 17)

Text Literals

The packaged component action, SignatureCaptureAction, leaves the default attribute values as-is. A custom action, on the other hand, allows some or all of these to be overridden with different text literals:

<BGSIGCAP:SignatureCapture recordId="{!v.recordId}"
          startMsg="Let's Go - Click the button to start” />


Screen Shot 2016 11 10 at 08 11 42

Custom Labels

Attributes may also be defined as custom labels, which have the added advantage of automatically picking up the correct translation for the user:

Screen Shot 2016 11 10 at 08 16 03

<BGSIGCAP:SignatureCapture recordId="{!v.recordId}"
         saveButtonLabel="{!$Label.c.SigCapSave}" />

Screen Shot 2016 11 10 at 08 25 01


Example Custom Action

Here’s a couple of screenshots from an example custom component with all text content overridden :

Screen Shot 2016 11 10 at 08 33 41

Screen Shot 2016 11 10 at 08 33 53

Screen Shot 2016 11 10 at 08 34 03

The source for this can be found in the Signature Capture Samples GITHUB repository.

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Monday, 7 November 2016

Lightning Component Actions with Signature Capture

Lightning Component Actions with Signature Capture

Screen Shot 2016 11 07 at 18 36 19


As some readers of this blog may be aware, a year or so ago I wrote a Lightning Component for the Component Exchange that was soon to be launched at Dreamforce. The component is called Signature Capture and unsurprisingly allows a user to capture a signature image and attach it to a Salesforce record. Up until the Winter 17 release of Salesforce, the only way to associate this with a record declaratively was to use the Lightning App Builder to include it in a custom record home page. This works fine but is a slightly odd user experience, as the component is always present even after the user has captured the signature. This all changed once Winter 17 was live thanks to Lightning Component Actions.

Lightning Component Actions

As the name suggests, Lightning Component Actions are custom actions that invoke a lightning component. Many lightning components are called, but few are chosen for custom actions. Specifically those that implement one of two interfaces:

  • force:LightningQuickAction
  • force:LightningQuickActionWithoutHeader

The difference being that if you implement force:LightningQuickActionWithoutHeader the entire user interface is down to you.

You can use Lightning Component Actions in Salesforce1 and the Lightning Experience.


The latest version of Signature Capture package contains a simple component that implements the force:LightningQuickAction interface and includes the Signature Capture component itself. To create a quick action that uses this is a matter of a few clicks. 

Setting Up

First choose which sObject type you want to associate the quick action with - in the screenshots below I’m using account.

Navigate to the Buttons, Links, and Actions section of the setup for the sObject and choose New Action. Select ‘Lightning Component’ as the action type and ‘BGSIGCAP:SignatureCaptureAction' as the Lightning Component. I find that a height of 500px works best, but your mileage may vary. Then enter a Label and Name and click the Save button:

Screen Shot 2016 11 07 at 18 14 31

Once the quick action is defined, it must be added to the page layout in the Salesforce1 and Lightning Experience Actions section (if you haven’t added any quick actions to this section before you’ll need to override the default via the link provided):

Screen Shot 2016 11 07 at 18 24 09

Take it for a Spin

After setup is complete, navigate to any account record in the Lightning Experience and you will see the quick action in the set of buttons on the top right:

Screen Shot 2016 11 07 at 18 26 04

Clicking the button opens the action in its own dialog, allowing a signature to be drawn via mouse, trackpad etc:

Screen Shot 2016 11 07 at 18 27 45

To my mind this is a much better user experience, as the component only appears on demand, so there is no confusion around a component that is always present. The slight downside is that once the signature has been captured the user still has to close the dialog via the standard Cancel button, but that’s a minor drawback to my mind.

Mobility Included

Adding the quick action to the page layout also makes it available to the Salesforce1 application on mobile devices. A word of warning around this - the locker service currently doesn’t surface touch events to a component, so if you enable the locker service the Signature Capture component won’t work on tablets or phones.

Repo Man

The Signature Capture component has its own github repo with sample apps (or app at the time of writing!). This is also where feature requests are tracked, so if there’s anything you’d like to see added, let me know and I’ll see if it can be accommodated. Just to set expectation, this is something that I work on mainly in my spare time (I’m currently on vacation, hence having time for this post) so I may take a while to respond.

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