Thursday, 10 September 2015

Ride the Lightning with Trailhead

Ride the Lightning with Trailhead

There’s a Badge for that

LightingX, or Lightning Experience, the new Salesforce front end was launched on August 25th 2015 to great fanfare. 

When major new features or products come out there’s a requirement for skilling up existing administrators, developers, consultants and partners, as well as the huge number of users of Salesforce. Previously this has involved watching videos that were more often than not produced for internal Salesforce use or particularly focused on an upcoming event, such as Dreamforce. For Lightning X, Salesforce have chosen to use the incredibly popular training tool that is Trailhead to get everyone up to speed.

There are four new LightningX trails:

  • Admin Trail - Migrating to Lightning Experience
    for admins who will be enabling LightingX on the org they manage
  • Admin Trail - Starting with Lightning Experience
    learn how to administer LightningX
  • Developer Trail - Lightning Experience
    for developers to learn how to build apps for LightningX using Lightning Components or Visualforce
  • Sales Rep Trail - Using Lightning Experience
    for users starting with LightningX

These trails are proving hugely popular - at the Q&A with Parker Harris on August 26th 2015, one fact bomb that was dropped was that a LightningX badge was being earned every 15 seconds, which is pretty impressive.

Now obviously I’ve done all of the trails, as I can’t help myself when new badges come online. but as a career developer the developer trail was the most interesting and the one I’m going to look at in a little more detail.

Developer Trail - Lightning Experience

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This is one of the longer trails - with suggested timing of 10 hours 35 minutes its not something you’ll be able to knock out over a lunch hour, but is a better candidate for a quiet Saturday or Sunday in the run up to Dreamforce. Don’t be put off by a longer time - that means that you’ll be learning chapter and verse rather than just skimming the surface, which is exactly what you need if you are going to be selling clients on the benefits of LightningX. It also doesn’t matter if you are looking to continue developing in Visualforce or moving on to Lightning components, as both of these are supported by LightningX and covered in depth in the trail.

The trail not only takes you through the technology, but also provides guidance as to whether you should be jumping in to develop with LightningX or if you should be holding off until things are a little more mature - crucial for those organisations that are debating if they should switch to the new UI. There are also steps for ISV partners and changes to existing development tools, so really something for everyone.

As well as Lightning Components and Visualforce, the trail also introduces the Lightning Design System (LDS) - kind of  a huge deal for those of us that have been trying to build apps that look like Salesforce without trying ourselves into scraped CSS files and the like. Once you’ve earned the badge you can get hands on with the LDS through my blog post on Lightning Design System - Edit Parent and Child Records

There are 5 badges available for this trail, and we all know that Badgier = Better, which brings me on to ...

Badgier - A Perfectly Cromulent Word

In the last blog post that I wrote on Trailhead, I used the word ‘badgier’, which generated more than a little interest online. I’ve been racking my brains to come up with another, equally cromulent, word to embiggen this post.

One of my favourite German words is ‘schadenfreude', often translated as ‘shameful pride’, which is taking pleasure in the misfortunes of others. Based on this I am coining the term ‘badgenfreude’, aka badge pride, which means taking rightful pleasure in your hard earned Trailhead badges. So give yourself a well-deserved dose of badgenfreude and get your LightningX badges with minimal delay.

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Sunday, 6 September 2015

Lightning Design System - Edit Parent and Child Records

Lightning Design System - Edit Parent and Child Records

Screen Shot 2015 09 06 at 08 39 55


Salesforce introduced the Lightning Design System as part of the new Lightning Experience UX at the end of August 2015. The Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS) is the first time that Salesforce have provided the developer community with the CSS, fonts and icons to allow us to build UI components that match the LightningX look and feel. This means no more fragile solutions that pull in the standard stylesheets or wholesale cloning of the standard stylesheets into static resources. In my case it also likely means the end of using Bootstrap for Salesforce1 applications, although as LDS is currently only at version 0.8 I’ll probably give it a few more versions before I move over completely.

After a browsing the docs I was keen to give the SLDS a spin and decided to combine this with another idea I’ve been toying with - taking some of my Visualforce solutions that I’ve blogged about and rebasing those onto Lightning components. So the first sample I’m going with is editing parent and child records on a single screen.

You can find the original Visualforce-centric post here - I haven’t gone for feature-parity with that post, specifically around creating and deleting child records, as there is enough to cover without that, although I may add that in a later version. As always, I’ve gone with the Account sobject as the parent and Contact as the children.

Getting Started with the SLDS

Screen Shot 2015 09 06 at 08 17 00

If you haven’t looked at the SLDS yet, the best place to start (as with so many things Salesforce) is by getting your Trailhead badge for the Lightning Design System module.

Designing the Screen

When working with Lightning Components I find its useful to sketch out the layout before starting the development - the greater the degree of granularity, the more reuse you are likely to get. This was made much easier in this case as I decided to use the LDS Master Detail Layout, consisting of the following components:

  • A page header
  • A list of cards for the account and contact records
  • A central form area to allow editing of the selected account or contact record

Here’s a screenshot of the completed page:

Screen Shot 2015 09 05 at 14 19 46

Once I had the basic layout I could start building the various components. I decided to go with a Lightning Application to host the page, as it meant I could navigate to it directly via a URL rather than having to build a navigation mechanism, which is a blog post all to itself!

Implementing the Application

There are quite a few elements to this solution, so I don’t intend to go through the code for all of them. The following sections detail some of the areas that I think are interesting - your mileage may vary - if there’s anything that I haven’t explained that you’d like to know more about, let me know in the comments and I’ll do my best to oblige. You can access the full codebase via the link to the Github repository at the end of this post.

The Application

The key part of the app markup is shown below:

<div class="slds">
    <c:BBAppHeader appEvent="{!c.appEvent}"/>
    <div class="slds-grid slds-wrap slds-p-top--x-small">
        <div class="slds-col slds-size--1-of-3 slds-p-around--medium">
             <c:BBAccountContactList account="{!v.account}"
                                     editingContact="{!v.editingContact}" />
        <aura:if isTrue="{!v.editingContact}">
            <div class="slds-col slds-size--2-of-3 slds-p-around--medium">
                <c:BBContactEditForm contact="{!v.selectedContact}" />
        <aura:if isTrue="{! (!v.editingContact)}">
            <div class="slds-col slds-size--2-of-3 slds-p-around--medium">
                <c:BBAccountEditForm account="{!v.account}" />

The markup is wrapped in a div with the class ‘slds’ as the LDS is namespaced - so any styles that I use need to be inside an ancestor with this class or they will revert back to very ordinary looking HTML. 

The left and right components, are rendered inside an LDS grid, as I want to fix the size of each of them relative to each other.

The left hand component, the list of account and contact cards, takes up 1/3 of the available space, so is wrapped in a  div with the class “slds-size—1-of-3’ indicating that this div takes up one column out of a total of three available in the grid. The component takes an ‘editingContact’ attribute, which is set to true when the user clicks on a contact card and false when the user clicks on the account card.

The right hand component is wrapped inside a div with the class ‘slds-size—2-of-3’ indicating that it should take up two of the available three columns, or 2/3 of the available space. Depending on the value of the ‘editingContact’ attribute a form is rendered to allow the account or selected contact to be edited.  Note that I’ve enclosed each from in its own aura:if component - while I could use the ‘else’ attribute, I find it more readable to draw out the conditional rendering in this way. Note also that I’ve repeated the containing div for each conditionally rendered component - I could put this outside the aura:if components, but I’ve gone this route so that if I need to I can apply different styling to the containing div based on whether the user is editing the account or a contact, although at present the styling is identical. Note that I’ve also added a style class of ‘slds-p-around—medium’ to add some padding to the left and right components, otherwise they will butt up hard against each other.

URL Parameters

The id of the account to edit is picked up from the URL - I couldn’t find a mechanism for this that is provided by the Lightning framework, so I’m pulling it via a JavaScript method in the application's helper:

getURLParameter : function(param) {
    var result=decodeURIComponent((new RegExp('[?|&]' + param + '=' + '([^&;]+?)(&|#|;|$)').exec(||[,""])[1].replace(/\+/g, '%20'))||null;
        return result;

The application helper then retrieves the account and contacts for the ID via a server side request:

var action = cmp.get("c.GetAccountAndContacts");
var params={"accountIdStr":accountId};
var self = this;
action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
    try {
        self.actionResponseHandler(response, cmp, self, self.gotAccount);
    catch (e) {
        alert('Exception ' + e);

Note that I delegate the handling of the response from the server to a generic method - actionResponseHandler, which takes a parameter of the method that will actually handle the response - self.gotAccount in this case. This allows me to decouple all of the error handling around the request itself from the code that will process the response and update the data model. Note also that I pass the component itself, and the ‘self’ instance of the helper to the response handler - these are in turn passed to the gotAccount method so that when processing the response I can access attributes from the component or helper methods if I need to.

Component Event

The app header component takes an attribute of ‘appEvent’ that specifies a handler for a component event that is fired when the ‘Save' button in the header is clicked. As I plan to re-use the app header in the future, I don’t want to tie it to the expected behaviour of the page. Instead when the user clicks a button, an event is fired indicating the button that was clicked, which allows the containing application to decide what action to take. 

The app header declares the type of event that it will fire, and the name of the attribute that will contain the handler:

<aura:registerEvent name="appEvent" type="c:BBAppEvent" />

The ‘Save' button specifies an onclick handler:

<button class="slds-button slds-button--neutral" onclick="{!c.fireSaveEvent}">Save</button>

The handler constructs the event, specifies which button the user clicked and fires the event:

var appEvent = cmp.getEvent("appEvent");
appEvent.setParams({"action" : "save"});;

The containing app receives the event through its declared handler and saves the records to the server: 

appEvent : function(cmp, ev) {
    var action=ev.getParam("action");
    if (action=="save") {;

Two Way Attribute Binding

Aside from the event fired from the header component, two-way binding is used to “communicate’ updates between the various components. Using this mechanism means that any updates made to an account or contact in the editing form are also reflected in the account/contact list component, as references to the records are passed through the attribute binding. This means that the same variable instance is used in each component, so a change in one component is automatically picked up by any other component using that variable instance without any additional intervention on the part of my JavaScript.

SLDS Markup

If you aren’t used to CSS frameworks, SLDS can look like it introduces a lot of markup for containing divs etc and a lot of style classes, for example here’s a snippet from the app header:

<div class="slds-page-header">
    <div class="slds-grid">
        <div class="slds-col slds-has-flexi-truncate">
            <div class="slds-media">
                <div class="slds-media__figure">
                    <span class="slds-icon__container slds-icon-standard-account">
                        <c:BBsvg class="slds-icon" xlinkHref="/resource/BB_SLDS080/assets/icons/standard-sprite/svg/symbols.svg#account" />
                        <span class="slds-assistive-text">Account Icon</span>

All I can say here is that it becomes less jarring over time, as anyone who has spent time working with the Bootstrap framework can attest. One thing it does encourage you to do is to decompose your components as much as possible, to keep the amount of markup short and readable.

Github Repository

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