Saturday 20 February 2016

Learn to Lead with Trailhead

Learn to Lead with Trailhead

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In what seems like an ever reducing timescale, a set of seven new Trailhead badges are with us. Continuing the theme from the last round, some of these go outside the comfort zone of developer/administrator, covering leadership topics. Which I think is awesome. Its also a testament to the versatility of the Trailhead system, although obviously there is no automated challenge checking on those badges as there isn’t a developer edition that allows you to try out leading a team of people. That would be beyond awesome. And prohibitively expensive.

The Badges

  • Coaching and Feedback

    The basics on motivating and coaching members of your team. Useful for both new team leaders, and those who have got into the habit of only talking to their team when mistakes have been made or they want something. Don’t assume your people know how much you value their contribution - make sure to tell them.
  • Great Management

    Learn how Salesforce managers manage. This module also covers understanding your strengths and weaknesses as a leader. Assuming you have any weaknesses, which many people think they don’t. They are wrong and this module will help them to realise that.
  • Microsoft Integration Basics

    Getting to grips with the options for integration with Microsoft Outlook. To App for Outlook or not to App for Outlook, that is the question.
  • Microsoft Integration Benefits

    A high level overview of why you should integrate Microsoft products with Salesforce, and which product is most appropriate for your organisation. I’m a Mac users, so this doesn’t affect me directly, but I’m also a consultant so I need to know it. 
  • ISV App Strategy

    Choosing the right license model, supporting multiple editions, and what you should think about before you start building an app. An excellent primer.
  • Asynchronous Apex

    A more old-school trailhead module - hard core Apex with challenges to test you can apply what you have learned. 
  • Spring 16 Release

    Another new area for Trailhead training - key release features. I’m a big fan of anything that helps get the word out about whats in new Salesforce releases, as the BrightGen youtube channel webinars playlist will attest. The Trailhead format is a good fit for this, and I’d expect the gamification around the challenge questions will get people to dig into things in a bit more detail.

Ever Increasing Topics

One thing is clear from each update to the Trailhead content - as its popularity increases the scope widens. I’d imagine there’s a long queue of Product Managers outside the office of Chris Duarte in Salesforce HQ, all desperate to get a module or two published in the next release. Make ‘em work for it I say - require implementation of ideas from the success community to get access to the Trailhead community. My ideas, for example, would be an excellent start.

Everyone’s a Critic

While its great to see Trailhead branch out from its Salesforce config/development roots, there’s always room for improvement.

  • Org-Specific Trails - I’ve mentioned this before and I’m going to keep banging on about it until I get what I want. I’d love to be able to build trails specific to my own orgs, to train up users for whom I’ve built a custom application for example. All I want is a small piece of the traction and take-up that Trailhead has had.
  • MegaBadges - I wrote this post with Mega Shark versus Giant Octopus playing in the background, and Giant Badges didn’t have the same ring to it. The trick is obviously to decide what differentiates a MegaBadge from a regular badge, as some of the project badges already require quite a bit of effort. Maybe they are badges that are only unlocked once you have earned a bunch of qualification badges. I’m just the ideas man really.

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