Saturday 24 March 2018

Building My Own Learning System - Part 5

Building My Own Learning System - Part 5

Backend server theres something very familiar about all this


In Part 1 of this blog series I covered the problem I was trying to solve (on-boarding/accrediting internal/external staff using common content, but without opening up everything to the entire world) and the data model I was using to manage this. Part 2 was around the fledgeling user interface and a fake service to prove confidence in the method. Part 3 covered the backend, or at least the initial implementation of this - as long as there is a local interface implementation to connect to it, the concrete backend can live anywhere. Part 4 walked through the front end setup and configuration and shared the code.

In part 5 I’ll cover installing the backend code, setup of a remote endpoint, creating a training path and configuring the new endpoint for your client to access. I’ll also share the code.

Code First

 The back end code lives at :


As the back end manages the data, an unmanaged package isn’t an option as it would mean recreating all training paths etc each time there was an update. As I mentioned in Part 4, I don’t think a private managed package is the right thing for something that people might install in orgs with real data, so the back end is intended to be installed as a discrete set of components. For example, using the Salesforce CLI you could deploy from the cloned repository directory using 

    sfdx force:mdapi:deploy -d src -u <username>

where <username> is from an org that you’ve previously authorised. If you are using something other than the Saleforce CLI then best of luck - I’d switch to the CLI myself ;)


There’s a bit more to the back end compared to the front end:

  1. Enable MyDomain (there is a Lighting action and overrides, although not as many as I’d like)
  2. Assign the Training Admin permission set to your user
  3. Create a tab for Training Paths - everything else is reachable from that
  4. Create a Training Path, including at least one step and at least one question in that step. You can also create a badge to go with it if you want -  the code will handle it either way.
  5. Create a site and note down it’s address.
  6. Add the Training Site permission set to the Guest User for the site (via Public Access Settings -> View Users)

Then switch over to your client org and configure the endpoint:

  1. Add a Training Endpoint custom metadata entry - name and label as you desire and the following fields populated:

    Hostname: https://<site address>
    Path: /services/apexrest/TrainAPI
    Rewrite Image Links: Checked

  2. Add the site address to the remote site settings

And away you go. If you get any errors, have a look at the debug logs. Typically errors will be data related and I find that the stack trace in the client logs shows me what the problem is.

Caveat Emptor

Same as with the front end, the error handling is pretty basic, I just let the errors make their way back to the client. If you are authoring a training path, make sure you have a test front end to try it out on before you make it available to your users.

Same as the front end again, nothing is labels. 

Creating a training path and most of the associated data is via the regular Salesforce object pages, so be prepared to traverse a bit. The exception to this is when creating a question. The New Question action on the Training Step page will create a new question and take you to a Lightning page that allows you to manage the question and all of it’s associated answer on a single page. Over time more of this type of assistance will be added. I haven’t really focused on it yet as this is the kind of thing that admins rather than users will be accessing as a rule.


If you hit problems, raise an issue in the appropriate Github repo:

I’m not sure what will be in the next instalment. I might go through some of the code in more detail, or there might be new features to talk about. Stay tuned.

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