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Something I've been working on for a while now is using a line chart for just this purpose. The key elements of this are:
- List all of the Stages for the Opportunity - if record types are in use, this should be the Stages applicable to that record type
- Plot a green line and markers for Stages that have been completed (or skipped, if the Opportunity has jumped into the process at an advanced staged
- Plot a red line and markers for Stages still to come
The first point had always been a sticking point, but I managed to solve this
using back in January by allowing Visualforce to render the specific picklist
for the record, and then sending this back to the controller prior to
processing the record, as detailed in this post.
It will come as no surprise to regular readers of this blog that I chose to
handle the second and third points using the Dojo Charting framework.
I've finally completed the charting code - below is a screenshot
showing the chart embedded into the standard Opportunity record view page:
The controller simply walks the Stage Names and adds them to a complete list
until it encounters the current state. All Stage Names after this go
into a todo list - note that both Closed-Won and Closed-Lost appear, and also
the default '-- None-- entry - probably not what is desired and left as an
exercise for the avid student. The page is as follows:
<apex:page standardController="Opportunity" extensions="OpportunityStatusChartController" showheader="false" standardstylesheets="false" sidebar="false"> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="" djConfig="parseOnLoad: true, modulePaths: { 'dojo': '', 'dijit': '', 'dojox': '' } "> </script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> </head> <body class="claro"> <apex:form id="frm"> <apex:actionFunction name="reloadWithStages" action="{!reload}" /> <div id="test1" style="width: 100%; height: 150px;"></div> <apex:outputPanel layout="block" id="vals" style="display:none"> <apex:inputField value="{!Opportunity.StageName}" required="false" id="stages"/> <apex:inputText value="{!valsText}" required="false" id="back"/> </apex:outputPanel> </apex:form> <apex:outputField value="{!Opportunity.StageName}" rendered="false"/> <script> function reload() { var ele=document.getElementById('{!$Component.frm.stages}'); var idx=0; var valText=''; for (idx=0; idx<ele.length; idx++) { valText+=ele.options[idx].text + ':'; } var backele=document.getElementById('{!$Component.frm.back}'); backele.value=valText; reloadWithStages(); } <apex:outputPanel layout="none" rendered="{!NOT(loadOnce)}"> dojo.require("dojox.charting.Chart2D"); dojo.require("dojox.charting.axis2d.Default"); dojo.require("dojox.charting.plot2d.Default"); dojo.require("dojox.charting.plot2d.StackedLines"); dojo.require("dojox.charting.plot2d.Columns"); dojo.require("dojox.charting.plot2d.Bars"); dojo.require("dojox.charting.plot2d.ClusteredBars"); dojo.require("dojox.charting.plot2d.StackedBars"); dojo.require("dojox.charting.plot2d.Bubble"); dojo.require("dojox.charting.plot2d.Grid"); dojo.require("dojox.charting.plot2d.Pie"); dojo.require(""); dojo.require("dojox.charting.action2d.Highlight"); dojo.require("dojox.charting.action2d.Magnify"); dojo.require("dojox.charting.action2d.MoveSlice"); dojo.require("dojox.charting.action2d.Shake"); dojo.require("dojox.charting.action2d.Tooltip"); dojo.require("dojox.charting.widget.Legend"); dojo.require("dojo.colors"); dojo.require("dojo.fx.easing"); dojo.require(""); dojo.require(""); makeCharts = function(){ var myMap={ <apex:repeat value="{!labels}" var="label"> '{!label.idx}':'{!label.text}'<apex:outputText value="," rendered="{!label.idx!=labelCount}"/> </apex:repeat> }; var chart1 = new dojox.charting.Chart2D("test1"); chart1.setTheme(; chart1.addPlot("default", {type: "Default", lines: true, markers: true, tension:2}); chart1.addAxis("x", { majorTick: {stroke: "black", length: 3}, majorTickStep:1, minorTicks: false, microTicks: false, min: 0, max: {!labelCount}, rotation:30, font: "6pt Tahoma", labels: [ <apex:repeat value="{!labels}" var="label"> {value: {!label.idx}, text:'{!label.text}'}<apex:outputText value="," rendered="{!label.idx!=labelCount}"/> </apex:repeat> ] }); chart1.addSeries("cleared", [ <apex:repeat value="{!doneStageNumbers}" var="stage"> {x: {!stage}, y: 2}, </apex:repeat> ]); chart1.addSeries("todo", [ <apex:repeat value="{!todoStageNumbers}" var="stage"> {x: {!stage}, y: 2}, </apex:repeat> ], {plot: "default", stroke: {color:"#FE2E2E"}} ); var myMap={ <apex:repeat value="{!tooltips}" var="tooltip"> "{!tooltip.idx}": "{!tooltip.text}", </apex:repeat> }; var anim1a = new dojox.charting.action2d.Magnify(chart1, "default"); var anim1b = new dojox.charting.action2d.Tooltip(chart1, "default", { text : function(o) { return (myMap[o.x]) } }); chart1.render(); }; </apex:outputPanel> dojo.addOnLoad( <apex:outputPanel layout="none" rendered="{!loadOnce}"> reload </apex:outputPanel> <apex:outputPanel layout="none" rendered="{!NOT(loadOnce)}"> makeCharts </apex:outputPanel> ); </script> </body> </apex:page>
Essentially this page has two distinct functions - the first to render a hidden form containing an input field for the StageName field, and then submit the values back via javascript, while the second is to actually render the chart based on the values. The completed stages are plotted as a separate series to those that remain, to allow that part of the chart to be rendered in a different colour and markers. I've also thrown in a tooltip on each of my markers so that I can display some help/explanation text about each of the stages.
The controller is quite a simple one:
public class OpportunityStatusChartController { public List<Tuple> labels {get; set;} public List<Tuple> tooltips {get; set;} public List<Integer> doneStageNumbers {get; set;} public List<Integer> todoStageNumbers {get; set;} public Integer labelCount {get; set;} public Boolean loadOnce {get; set;} public String valsText {get; set;} private Opportunity opp; public OpportunityStatusChartController(ApexPages.StandardController std) { opp=(Opportunity) std.getRecord(); loadOnce=true; } public PageReference reload() { init(); loadOnce=false; return null; } public void init() { labels=new List<Tuple>(); tooltips=new List<Tuple>(); doneStageNumbers=new List<Integer>(); todoStageNumbers=new List<Integer>(); labelCount=0; Boolean done=false; labels.add(new Tuple(labelCount++, '.')); for (String val : valsText.split(':')) { if (!done) { doneStageNumbers.add(labelCount); } else { todoStageNumbers.add(labelCount); } if (val==opp.StageName) { done=true; todoStageNumbers.add(labelCount); } labels.add(new Tuple(labelCount, val)); toolTips.add(new Tuple(labelCount, 'Help for ' + val + ' stage')); labelCount++; } labels.add(new Tuple(labelCount, '.')); } public class Tuple { public Integer idx {get; set;} public String text {get; set;} public Tuple(Integer inIdx, String inText) { idx=inIdx; text=inText; } } }
The labels are returned in a containing Tuple class along with an index, which
is the x-axis position of the ploy. Everything is plotted at the same
level on the y-axis, as I want a straight line chart.
I can then change the record type of the Opportunity, save it and the chart updates accordingly:
You can see a live example of this on my demo site - simply click on one of the Opportunities to see the progress chart.
I can then change the record type of the Opportunity, save it and the chart updates accordingly:
You can see a live example of this on my demo site - simply click on one of the Opportunities to see the progress chart.
Hi Bob,
ReplyDeleteGreat post. I tried finding a chart gallery of the dojo charts and couldn't find it.
Can you please post a link to the page/document that shows the different charts?
The best place for examples is the overnight tests:
The 2d tests is the page that I go back to most:
Thanks, this is very helpful.
DeleteHello Keir,
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot for this post. This would be really helpful in what I am trying to build. Currently we have custom object that stores a list of Sub stages for every Opportunity Stage field value. Eg: for StageName= Prospecting we would have number of sub stages records in the custom object. These Sub stages will appear as check box fields on an embedded VF element.Whenever the user check on a check box against the Sub stage name on this inline VF page a response entry record is stored in another Custom Object, we want to show the user that based on the checks he makes against the Sub Stage Names, the Progress bar would move one step ahead. Which part of the Controller/Visual force you think needs to be modified to achieve this?
I would really appreciate your help on this.
Pratz Joshi
Wow, this is super good and super handy, thank you for sharing this!!!
ReplyDeletePS: I am really amazed that we are allowed to add outputpanel like that into javascript, I thought taht wouldnt work
How to call another vf page on click of stage green or red hover ?