Monday, 26 August 2019

Salesforce Unlocked Packages and Supplementary Code

Salesforce Unlocked Packages and Supplementary Code


Unlocked packages have been Generally Available since the Winter 19 release, so almost a year at the time of writing (August 2019). Unlike 1.0 packaging, source of truth is the version controlled source, rather than the contents of a packaging org. In fact the only time you need anything other than a scratch org is if you are namespacing your package, in which case you’ll have to create a developer edition to annex the namespace. In packaging 2.0 the contents are determined by the code on the filesystem where you run the packaging commands and the Salesforce DX project configuration file (sfdx-project.json).

I’m not going to go into the detail of creating and publishing packages - the Trailhead module does a pretty good job of introducing the concepts, and if you want a deep dive then check out Fabien Taillon’s blog post about how Texei moved to unlocked packages (they were called Developer Controlled Packages back then, but the principles apply even if the commands have changed slightly.

SalesforceDX Project File

To generate an unlocked package, you need to define where the code lives in your SalesforceDX project file. Here’s the key part of the file for an example package:

"packageDirectories": [
            "path": "force-app",
            "default": true,
            "package": "bbexample",
            "versionName": "Version 1.0",
            "versionNumber": "1.0.0.NEXT"

When I run the Salesforce CLI commands to generate a package version, everything under the


directory will be added to the package and uploaded. And this to my mind is a key difference between 1.0 and 2.0 packaging. In 1.0 I create the package from the packaging org and I get to choose which components get added. In 2.0 not so much - everything that I have under the packaging directory goes in.

Supplementary Code

When I create a package there is typically a bunch of supplementary code that helps the development and test process, but I don’t want going into the package. If the package contains Lightning Web Components for example, I might have a flexipage with a  number of instances of the component showing various aspects of the functionality, allowing me to see at a glance that everything is working correctly. If the package works against generic sobjects, I might have some sample sobjects to execute tests against that I don’t want ending up in the subscriber org. I want these items available in the scratch o rgs where I’m developiing the package, but I don’t want to release them. In 1.0 I could just avoid adding them to the package, but in 2.0 I need a way to separate them from the packaged code. I could keep it in a separate repo, but that adds complexity to the development setup, and it’s always best to keep things as simple as possible.

Multiple Package Directories

The SalesforceDX project file can define multiple package directories for a single project. When you execute force:source:push, the contents of all of these directories are pushed to the scratch org, so i can store my supplementary code in another subdirectory and have it included in the development process. 

"packageDirectories": [
            "path": "force-app",
            "default": true,
            "package": "bbexample",
            "versionName": "Version 1.0",
            "versionNumber": "1.0.0.NEXT"
            "path": “supplementary",
            "default": false

When I push to my scratch org, the contents of both the force-app and supplementary subdirectories will be deployed, but when I generate a package version, only the directory with the package attribute gets included. All of my supplementary code stays out of the package and by extension the subscriber org.

There is one wrinkle to this - if I make some changes in the scratch org, when I execute force:source:pull to retrieve them, they will go into the package directory with the default attribute set to true - in this case force-app. If I don’t want these items in the package, I have to manually move them over to the supplementary subdirectory. Not a huge amount of effort but easy to forget.

Bonus - Installations via the CLI

If you haven’t used packaging in conjunction with the CLI yet, there’s one killer feature. Anyone who has worked with packaging 1.0 knows the fun and games around uploading a package, receiving the email that it has been published, then trying and failing to install it as it turns out not to be available after all. There’s a perfectly sound explanation for this - the emails means it was successfully uploaded to wherever packages live, but after that it has to be propagated around Salesforce infrastructure world, and until it’s made it to the instance you are trying to install in, you’ll get failures.

When you install via the CLI force:package:install subcommand, you can specify two wait times. The --wait switch that, like many other commands, specifies how long to wait for the command (installation) to complete, and the —publishwait that specifies how long to wait for the package to become available to the subscriber org. I typically specify big numbers for both of these switches and then fire and forget the installation. It’s a far less stressful user experience!

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Saturday, 3 August 2019

Mentz - Where We Do What We Want!

Mentz - Where We Do What We Want!


In the TV adaptation of David Peace’sRed Riding" quartert of books, there’s a great scene where a group of corrupt West Yorkshire policemen are toasting their success in moving towards controlled vice : "Off the streets and out the shop windows, under our wing and in our pocket”. The final line of the toast is “To the North - where we do what we want!”.

An unusual introduction to a tech blog post, I’m sure you’ll agree, but there is a link, however tennis. Doing what we want is the ethos behind the Mentz community initiative (and I’ve always loved that scene).

Moar Developers

One reason I started Mentz is that we need more developers in the Salesforce ecosystem, and by developers I mean people that can write code to solve complex business problems, understanding the fine details of the Apex language and the pros and cons to specific approaches. There are plenty of initiatives around to get started learning Apex, but not too many where a more experienced developer casts an eye over your code and gives you feedback, about things both good and bad, and pointing you to resources where you can learn more.

Tapping into Top Talent

Another reason I started Mentz is that I felt we were missing out on accessing a lot of top talent by insisting on commitments to a set number of weeks, or a fixed set of hours (duration and/or fixed start/end times). People at the very top of our profession often can’t make those type of commitments - they don’t have that many hours to spare, they can’t commit to specific hours every week, or they are subject to the whims of a project or customer which means that plans have to change at the last minute. These people are often running companies so they can’t step away when the pressure is on. The upshot of all this is that they may not be participating as much as they want to, because they don’t want to let others down. This is a crying shame, as these are often extremely experienced and talented developer who have a lot to share.

Fear of Commitment

When you join Mentz, as a mentor or mentee, you commit to absolutely nothing. Nada. Zip. When you register an interest, you’ll receive a chatter login and if you never sign in, that’s fine. Mentors don’t get assigned mentees, and vice versa. Mentors and mentees aren’t assigned to each other, it’s much more relaxed than that. If a mentee feels like taking a challenge, they do so and upload their solution to the challenge chatter group. If a mentor feels like looking at someone’s work and giving feedback, they pick any unanswered solution (there’s a lightning web component that shows these, because we don’t want mentors wasting their valuable time scouring chatter groups). There are no programs, timelines, schedules, courses. Just people who take challenges and people who review the solutions, doing what they want when they want to. I’m not the boss of you, and nor is anyone else.

Dipping a Toe

If you’ve been put off signing up for Mentz because you think you might disappoint your assigned mentor or mentees, don’t be. If you want to try the challenges without signing up you can, just take a look at the Github organisation - you won’t be able to submit your solution until you sign up for Mentz, but it will give you an idea of what is involved. If you want to sign up for Mentz, head over to the home page and follow the appropriate signup link. It might take a while for your request to be approved, as I also do what I want with regard to Mentz, but it will happen eventually.

And Finally

Please join me in raising a glass to Mentz - where we do what we want!


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