Tuesday 21 January 2014

Book Reviewers Wanted (Again!)

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Earlier this month I reviewed the Visualforce Developer’s Guide by Chamil Madusanka.  Since then Packt have contacted me and asked if I know of anyone else who’d be interested in a free copy of the eBook in return for a review on Amazon.

If you’re interested, email Sagar Malage at: sagarm@packtpub.com by 31st January 2014.



  1. Hi Bob.

    Why do I always come across these things just too late!! I might drop Sagar a message all the same, just in case they still have room for more reviews.

    I actually have your VF Development Cookbook on my desk in front of me now! It's next on the reading list, and I should be good to get started on it on Monday.

    Cheers, Simon

    1. Sagar has accepted my offer to review the Developer's Guide (thank you very much!) so the Cookbook will have to wait a couple more weeks now Bob :)

  2. Hello,

    Thanks a lot people for your responses to the above post. I will get back to you'll shortly.


