There are a number of posts in the blogosphere around using Cruise Control with
Salesforce. However, these generally have a pure Continuous Integration
focus, in that the code is checked out from source control repository, deployed
to a dedicated Salesforce instance, compiled and tested. This is a useful
mechanism when in the development phase of a project, but not always the best
solution once a customer is live.
At BrightGen we have a Service Management offering for Salesforce (and others),
which means that from time to time we look after a solution that we haven't
developed. Even if we did build the original system, we will often be
second or third line of support after local power users and administrators.
In these situations, we are interested in detecting if changes have been
made that may cause problems - for example, a validation rule being applied that
may preclude programmatic object creation. To that end, we have used
Cruise Control to set up daily execution of production unit tests.
If you don't already have Java installed on your target machine, install the JDK
from the
Oracle Download page.
Installing Cruise Control is pretty straightforward - a link to the latest
version is available at the top of the
download page. If you are using windows you can simply download an executable file
and run that - its a stripped down version of full Cruise Control, but I've
found its ideal for my needs. Follow the defaults and it will install into
c:\Program Files\CruiseControl and set itself up as a service.
Cruise Control uses
Apache Ant to
execute builds, and this is included in the installation. In my install
its located at
C:\Program Files\CruiseControl\apache-ant-1.7.0.
The next step is to add the migration tool to Ant. You can
access this by logging into your Salesforce instance, navigating to the Setup
page and opening the App Setup -> Develop -> Tools menu. Click the Migration Tools link to start the download. Once the download is
complete, extract to a temporary directory - I used
C:\temp. Navigate to the temporary directory and you will find a file
ant-salesforce.jar. Copy this file to the
directory under the Cruise Control Ant installation. In my case the
command was
> copy c:\temp\ant-salesforce.jar "c:\Program
Note that if you already have Ant installed and you have set up your ANT_HOME
environment variable, Cruise Control will use that, so you should copy
ant-salesforce.jar to lib directory of your existing Ant installation.
The next step is to create a project - navigate to your
folder, and create a new folder - I've called mine
BobBuzzard. This folder needs to contain a couple of files.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | <project name= "Bob Buzzard Salesforce Automated Testing" default = "compTest" basedir= "." xmlns:sf= "antlib:com.salesforce" >
<property file= "" />
<property environment= "env" />
<target name= "compTest" >
<echo message= "Executing tests on Salesforce Server ....." />
<sf:compileAndTest username= "${sf.username}" password= "${sf.password}" serverurl= "${sf.serverurl}" >
<runTests allTests= "true" />
<echo message= "Tests completed" />
This is the XML file that controls the Ant build for the project. The
target is the key element - this connects to the Salesforce instance and
executes all tests.
Note that the user id/password and server url are parameterized rather than
harcoded. These are populated from the second file that needs to be
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | #
# Specify the login credentials for the desired Salesforce organization
sf.username = <your username>
sf.password = <your password here>
# Use 'https:
sf.serverurl = https:
# If your network requires an HTTP proxy, see http:
Finally, Cruise Control must be configured to build the project, via the
file present in the CruiseControl directory. My sample build file is shown
below. Note the publishers section at the bottom of the file - this sends
out an email success/failure notification to my google mail account.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | <cruisecontrol>
<property name= "BuildTime" value= "0005" />
<project name= "BobBuzzard" requireModification= "false" >
<currentbuildstatuslistener file= "logs/${}/status.txt" />
<ant time= "${BuildTime}" anthome= "apache-ant-1.7.0" buildfile= "projects/${}/build.xml" target= "compTest" />
<merge dir= "projects/${}/target/test-results" />
<email mailhost= ""
username= "..."
password= "..."
mailport= "465"
usessl= "true"
returnaddress= ""
subjectprefix= "[CruiseControl]"
<always address= "" />
Once all this is done, you can then fire up the Cruise Control service via the
Windows Control Panel. New projects are built as soon as the service starts,
after which they will be built at the time specified in the
config.xml file.
As the installation includes its own Apache Tomcat server, you can navigate to
and see the results of the build. If all has gone well, your dashboard will show
a green block for a successful build, which can be hovered over to see a
The Cruise Control Dashboard
In the event of problems, the block will be red. You can see the details
of the build by clicking the block, selecting the Errors and Warnings tab on
the resulting page and expanding the Errors and Warnings section as shown
If any exceptions were thrown running tests, or indeed connecting to
Salesforce, they will appear here.
One word of caution - if a build fails, always check why. It may be that
the Salesforce password has been changed, in which case Cruise Control will
happily retry it every day which may cause user lockout.