
Sunday, 29 September 2013

Visualforce Development Cookbook

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Regular visitors to this blog may have noticed that my rate of blogging slowed considerably over the summer.  This is because since April I've been writing a book for Packt publishing, the Visualforce Development Cookbook.  This was published on 24th September 2013 and is available for purchase from Packt or a number of stores here.

I'm planning a blog post to cover the whole experience, but as I'm still in the thick of it (we're just entering the marketing phase at the moment) it will be a little while until I'm ready to write that post.

In the meantime, you can follow the book on twitter or like the facebook page - any news or offers will break there first. 


  1. Bob i have read few chapters and i am definitely impressed .After 2 and half years of visualforce and apex coding i still found lot of new stuff to learn from the book.Thanks

  2. Hey Bob, the book has some very good content solving real world problems. Congratulations and thank you for putting down your experience.
