Over the last couple of years I've received a number of requests to allow Unauthenticated/Guest Users to be able to sign records like internal users. Unfortunately this isn't something that isn't possible for a security reviewed package. In order to be able to save a File/Attachment against a record, the user must have Edit access to the record, and since the Spring '21 release of Salesforce Guest Users can't have Edit access. The Experience Cloud Developer Guide has a handy workaround of executing in system context and without sharing. but if I change the BrightSIGN code to work this way it will fail the security review, and rightly so - I'd be ignoring the security settings of the org and allowing an unauthenticated user to carry out actions that should be blocked.
While I can't publish a package that allows a Guest User to execute code in system context without sharing, there's nothing to stop the owner of the org adding this capability after installing the package. So in version 4.1 of BrightSIGN, Guest Users can capture a signature as a File. There's a caveat to this though - as I can't associate the File with a record, it will be "orphaned".
Full details of how to configure BrightSIGN to allow Guest User access are available in the Implementation Guide for V4, but the upshot is rather than the file detail having the following sharing :
It just has the sharing for the Owner: