
Friday, 31 January 2020

Spring 20 Before Save Flows and Apex Triggers

Spring 20 Before Save Flows and Apex Triggers


Spring 20 introduces the concept of the before record save flow, analogous to the before insert/update trigger that we’ve had for over a decade now. Like these triggers, the flow can make additional changes to the records without needing to save it to the database once it has finished its work. Avoiding this save makes things a lot faster - a claimed 10 times faster than doing similar work in process builder. What the release notes don’t tell us is how they compare to Apex triggers, which was the kind of thing I was a lot more interested in.


I've tried a couple of relatively simple scenarios, both of which I've encountered in the real world:
  1. Changing the name of an opportunity to reflect things like the amount, close date. All activity happens on the record being inserted, so this is very simple.
  2. Changing the name of an opportunity as above, but including the name of the account the opportunity is associated with, so an additional record has to be retrieved.
In order to push the trigger/flow to a reasonable degree, I'm inserting a thousand opportunities which are round robin'ed across two hundred accounts and immediately deleting them.

Scenario 1


My flow is about as simple as it gets:

The assignment appends '-{opportunity amount}' to the record name:

At the end of the transaction, I have the following limit stats:

Number of SOQL queries: 2 out of 100
Number of query rows: 1219 out of 50000
Maximum CPU time: 116 out of 10000


The trigger is also very simple:

trigger Opp_biu on Opportunity (before insert, before update) 
    for (Opportunity opp :
    { + '-' + opp.Amount;

and this gives the following limit stats:

Number of SOQL queries: 2 out of 100
Number of query rows: 1219 out of 50000
Maximum CPU time: 1378 out of 10000

So in this case the trigger consumes over a thousand more milliseconds of CPU time. Depending on what else is going on in my transaction, this could be the difference between success and failure.

Scenario 2


There's a little more to the flow this time :

The Get Account element retrieves the account record associated with the opportunity - I only extract the Name field as that is all I use in my opportunity name: 

I also have a formula that generates the opportunity name, and this is used by the Assignment action:

and this gives the following limit stats:

Number of SOQL queries: 7 out of 100
Number of query rows: 2219 out of 50000
Maximum CPU time: 111 out of 10000


The trigger mirrors the flow, with a little extra code to ensure it is bulkified :

trigger Opp_biu on Opportunity (before insert, before update) 
    Set<Id> accountIds=new Set<Id>();
 for (Opportunity opp : 
    Map<Id, Account> accountsById=new Map<Id, Account>(
        [select id, Name from Account where id in :accountIds]);
    for (Opportunity opp :
        Account acc=accountsById.get(opp.AccountId); 
        opp.Name=acc.Name + '-' + opp.CloseDate + '-' + opp.Amount;

which gives the following limit stats:

Number of SOQL queries: 7 out of 100
Number of query rows: 2219 out of 50000
Maximum CPU time: 1773 out of 10000

Aside from telling us that CPU time isn't an exact science, as it went down this time, the flow is pretty much the same in spite of the additional work. The trigger, on the other hand, has consumed another 500 milliseconds.

All Flow All the Time?

So based on this, should all before insert/update functionality be migrated to flows? As always, the answer is it depends.

One thing it depends on is whether you can do everything you need in the flow - per Salesforce Process Builder best practice:

For each object, use one automation tool.

If an object has one process, one Apex trigger, and three workflow rules, you can’t reliably predict the results of a record change.

It can also get really difficult to debug problems if you have your business logic striped across multiple technologies, especially if some aspects of it are trivial to change in production.

Something that is often forgotten with insert/update automation is what should happen when a record is restored from the recycle bin. In may ways this can be considered identical to inserting a new reecord. Triggers offer an after undelete variant to allow automated actions to take place - you don't currently have this option in the no code world.

One More Thing

A word of warning - you might be tempted to implement your next simple before save requirements as a flow regardless of existing automation. Let's say a consultant developer created you a trigger similar to mine above and now you need to make an additional change to the record. If you do this with a flow, make sure to test this thoroughly.  Out of curiosity, I tested combining my trigger that sets the opportunity name with a flow that tweaks the amount by a very small amount.

The limit stats for this were frankly terrifying:

Number of SOQL queries: 7 out of 100
Number of query rows: 2219 out of 50000
Maximum CPU time: 8404 out of 10000 *****

So the CPU time has increased five fold by adding in a flow that by itself consumes almost nothing!

Saturday, 18 January 2020

Going GUI over the Salesforce CLI Part 2

Going GUI over the Salesforce CLI Part 2


In part 1 of this series I introduced my Salesforce CLI GUI with some basic commands. In this instalment I’ll cover some of the Electron specifics and add a couple of commands.


Electron is an open source framework for building cross platform desktop applications with JavaScript, HTML and CSS. The Chromium rendering engine handles the UI and the logic is managed by the Node JS runtime. I found this particularly attractive as I spend  lot of time these days writing code for Node - wrappers around the command line, for example, or plugins for the Salesforce CLI. I’m also keen to do as much in JavaScript as I can as it helps my Lightning Web Components development too.

An Electron application has a main process and a number of renderer processes. The main process creates the web pages that make up the application UI, and each application has exactly one main process. Each page that is created has its own renderer process to manage the page. Each renderer process only knows about the web page it is managing and is isolated from the other pages.

The renderer process can’t access the operating system APIs - they have to request that the main process does this on their behalf. 

CLI GUI Main Process

The main process for my CLI GUI loads up the JSON file that configures the available commands, runs a couple of CLI commands to determine if the default user and default dev hub user have been set. It then registers a callback for the ready event of the application, which means that it is fully launched and ready to display the user interface:

app.on('ready', () => {
    mainWindow=new BrowserWindow({
        width: 800,
        height: 600,
        webPreferences: {
            nodeIntegration: true
    let paramDir=process.argv[2];
    if (paramDir!==undefined) {

mainWindow.webContents.loadURL(`file://${__dirname}/home.html`); windows.add(mainWindow); });

The ready handler creates a new BrowserWindow instance, specifying that node integration should be enabled for the renderer process that manages the page. It then loads the home.html page, aka the GUI home page:

CLI GUI Home Page Renderer

The Node JavaScript behind this page (home.js in the repo) gains access to the main process via the following imports:

const { remote, ipcRenderer } = require('electron');
const mainProcess = remote.require('./main.js');

Remote gives access to a lot of the modules available in the main process (essentially proxying) and mainProcess provides access to the functions and properties of the main process instance that created the renderer. The renderer then gets a reference to its window so that it can output the dynamic content:

const currentWindow = remote.getCurrentWindow();

It then iterates the command groups, creating a Salesforce Lightning Design System tab for each one, then iterates the commands inside the group, adding buttons for each of those. There’s a fair bit of code around that to set the various attributes, so a cut down version is shown here:

for (let group of mainProcess.commands.groups) {
    if (0===count) {
    let tabsEle=document.createElement('li');'tab-'+;'tab-' + + '-link';


    const tabContainer=document.querySelector('#tabs');
    let contentEle=document.createElement('div');
    contentEle.classList.add('slds-' + (0===count?'show':'hide'));
    contentEle.setAttribute('role', 'tabpanel');

    let gridEle=document.createElement('div');

    const tabsContentContainer=document.querySelector('#tab-contents');

    for (let command of group.commands) {

        let colEle=document.createElement('div');

        let colButEle=document.createElement('button'); + '-btn';
colEle.appendChild(colButEle); gridEle.appendChild(colEle); } }

This allows the commands to be dynamically generated based on configuration, rather than having a hardcoded set that are the same for everyone in the world and requiring code changes to add or remove commands. Of course there is code specific to each of the commands, but there are a lot of similarities between the commands which allows a lot of code re-use.

Note that I’m using the DOM API to add the elements, rather than HTML snippets, partly because it is slightly faster to render, but mostly because while it takes longer to write the initial version, it’s much easier to maintain going forward.

Note also that the buttons and tabs have dynamically generated ids, based on the command names. This allows me to add the event handlers for when a user clicks on a tab or a button:

for (let group of mainProcess.commands.groups) {'#tab-' + + '-link');'click', () => {
    });'#tab-' +;
    group.content=document.querySelector('#tab-' + + '-content');

    for (let command of group.commands) {
        command.button=document.querySelector('#' + + '-btn');
        command.button.addEventListener('click', () => {
            mainProcess.createWindow('command.html', 900, 1200, 10, 10, {command: command, dir: process.cwd()});

The more interesting handler is that for the commands - this invokes a method from the main process to open a new window, which again has been cut down to the salient points:

const createWindow = exports.createWindow = (page, height, width, x, y, params) => {
    let newWindow = new BrowserWindow({ x, y, show: false ,
        width: width, 
        height: height,
        webPreferences: {
            nodeIntegration: true
      newWindow.loadURL(`file://${__dirname}/` + page);
      newWindow.once('ready-to-show', () => {
          if (params!==undefined) {
              newWindow.webContents.send('params', params);
      newWindow.on('close', (event) => {

The new window is created much like the home window, and loads the page - command.html in this example. Unlike the home page, once the new window receives the ready-to-show event, a handler sends any additional parameters passed to this method to the window - in this case the command that needs to be exposed and the current directory that it will be run in. There’s also a close handler that destroys the window, cleaning up the renderer process.

New Commands

The latest repo code contains a couple of new commands in a Debugging group. As before, I’ve tested this on MacOS and Windows 10.

List Log Files

Choose the username/alias for the org whose log files you are interested in:

Clicking on the ‘List’ button pulls back brief details of the available log files:

Get Log File

To retrieve the contents of a specific log file, first find out which ones are available from a specific org:

Then select the specific file from the dropdown:

And click the 'Get' button to display the contents:

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Sunday, 12 January 2020

SalesforceWay Podcast

SalesforceWay Podcast

Mid 2019, Xi Xiao from Finland reached out to ask me if I’d appear on his podcast, SalesforceWay. I’ve done a podcast or two in the past, but not for some time, so I accepted with gusto. As is so often the case, I had a stack of work that I was already behind on and some half-completed community initiatives that needed some focus. Luckily Xi was a patient man and shortly (a quarter of a year or so!) afterwards we recorded the episode

Anyone who has been following my blog over the last couple of years will know that I’m a big fan of the Salesforce CLI, so this seemed like a great topic to talk about. For those who aren’t familiar with the podcast format, I always feel it’s kind of a cross between an interview and a collection of war stories. As a rule they are intended to enlighten rather than train, involving a conversation around a topic and pointing the listener at where they might find out more information.

While my episode is clearly the one you should listen to first, there are a ton of great episodes available, so don’t stop at one! There are also more on the way - I know this as I recommended a few of the guests. Xi is always looking for more, so if you have a topic that you think other Salesforce developers would be interested in, reach out to Xi, or if you are shy then get in touch with me via the usual channels (or the comments section of this post) and I’ll arrange an introduction. You won’t regret it - it’s a lot of fun!

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