
Sunday 29 May 2016

Force CLI Part 1 - Getting Started

Force CLI Part 1 - Getting Started



In one of my earlier blog posts around Lightning Components deployment (Deploying Lightning Components - Go Big or Go Missing) I made a passing reference to the fact that I use the Force CLI for automated deployments. A few people contacted me after this and said that while they were vaguely aware of the CLI, they’d never spent any time with it, so I decided to show this unsung hero some love with a series of blog posts.

A Command Line Interface to!

As someone who spent 20 or so years developing on Unix and Linux, I’m pretty comfortable with command line tools, and in many cases (resolving git conflicts!) I actually prefer them to a GUI. So when the CLI was released at Dreamforce 13, I couldn’t wait to get hold of it.


The first thing to do is download the CLI - you can do this from the home page at : - this has pre-built binaries for Mac OSX, Windows and Debian/Ubuntu. I’m a Mac user so any instructions/examples are based on OSX.

Screen Shot 2016 04 03 at 18 57 08

Clicking on the ‘Download for Mac OS X 64’ link downloads the ‘force’ application to my ‘Downloads’ directory. I clear this directory out regularly (yeah right, regularly being when I run out of disk space) so the first thing I need to do is move this to a safe place. I create a tools directory underneath my home directory and drag the file into that:

Trying it Out

Via the terminal (If you aren’t familiar with the terminal then I’d recommend following this tutorial from MacWorld) I can then test out whether the application works correctly 

> cd ~/tools
> ./force

and of course it doesn’t:

-bash: ./force: Permission denied

This is because files are downloaded without execute permission. To rectify this, execute:

> chmod +x ./force

Executing again now shows the (long) list of available options:

> ./force

Usage: force  []
Available commands:
   login     force login [-i=] [ ]
   logout    Log out from
   logins    List logins used
   active    Show or set the active account
   whoami    Show information about the active account
   describe  Describe the object or list of available objects
   sobject   Manage standard & custom objects
   bigobject  Manage big objects
   field     Manage sobject fields
   record    Create, modify, or view records
   bulk      Load csv file use Bulk API
   fetch     Export specified artifact(s) to a local directory
   import    Import metadata from a local directory
   export    Export metadata to a local directory
   query     Execute a SOQL statement
   apex      Execute anonymous Apex code
   trace     Manage trace flags
   log       Fetch debug logs
   eventlogfile  List and fetch event log file
   oauth     Manage ConnectedApp credentials
   test      Run apex tests
   security  Displays the OLS and FLS for a give SObject
   version   Display current version
   update    Update to the latest version
   push      Deploy artifact from a local directory
   aura      force aura push -resourcepath=
   password  See password status or reset password
   notify    Should notifications be used
   limits    Display current limits
   help      Show this help
   datapipe  Manage DataPipes
Run 'force help [command]' for details.

Access All Areas

By executing ‘./force’ I’m asking the operating system to execute the script named force in the local directory (the ./ part). This is going to be pretty unwieldy if I have to provide the location each time, so the last thing to do to get set up is to add the tools directory to my path - if you chose a different directory name to tools, just alter the following commands to use your name.

The default shell on OSX is bash (bourne again shell, as it was a replacement for the venerable Bourne shell - this is both a blog post and a history lesson!). When you login (or open a new terminal window on Mac OSX) the bash shell executes the .bash_profile script from your home directory, if one exists, so this is the easiest way to update your path. 

Using your favourite editor (mine is vim, but that’s a bit like saying the developer console is your favourite IDE), open the .bash_profile file, from your home directory (/Users/<yourname>), or create one if it isn’t already there and add the following at the bottom:

export PATH=$PATH:~/tools

Save the file, then execute the .bash_profile script to update your current context:

> . ~/.bash_profile

Next, change to your home directory and execute the force command without a path to check all is good:

> cd
> force

and once again you should see the full output.

Congratulations - now you can run the force executable from anywhere without worrying about where it has been installed.

Logging In

Now that everything is set up, you can login to Salesforce via the CLI by executing :

> force login

This opens up a browser window for you to enter your credentials: 

Screen Shot 2016 05 08 at 08 26 08

and authorise access via oauth:

Screen Shot 2016 05 08 at 08 26 30

(Note that this process involves a Heroku app communicating with a local web server to return the oauth token to the command line, which may be problematic if you are behind a firewall that you can’t configure or using NAT. See the end of this post for an alternative, non-oauth approach).

This is the number 1 reason why I use the Force CLI for deployments - it removes the need to store usernames and passwords on disk, which has always been my issue with the Force Migration Tool.

If you have a number of orgs its quite easy to forget which one you have logged into, which is where the logins command comes in handy, as it will show you all the orgs that you have logged in to and which login is currently active:

> force logins

Screen Shot 2016 05 08 at 08 33 17

Non-OAuth Authentication

If you can’t use the oauth mechanism described above, you can always fall back on supplying the username and password to the CLI via the following command:

> force login -u=<username> -p=<password>

While this is slightly better than storing credentials on disk, it does mean that if someone were to compromise your machine they’d be able to see the username and password in your command history. For example, after executing:

> force login -u=fake@fake.fake -p=Faking1t

If I then look at my command history

> history

This shows the credentials:

  685  force login -u=fake@fake.fake -p=Faking1t
  686  history

Luckily I can clean up afterwards and remove the command from my history, First delete the entry:

> history -d 685

then write the history to disk:

> history -w

viewing the history again shows that entry 685 has been replaced with the entry that was at 686:

685  history

Logging in to a Sandbox

The logins command supports production orgs, sandboxes and custom domains. To view the options, for this or any other command, execute ‘force <command> -help’:

force login -help

Usage: force login
  force login [-i=<instance>] [<-u=username> <-p=password> <-v=apiversion]
    force login
    force login -i=test
    force login -u=un -p=pw
    force login -i=test -u=un -p=pw
    force login -u=un -p=pw

That’s all Folks

This concludes getting started with the Force CLI. Assuming all went well you now have the CLI installed, in your path and you’ve been able to login to an org. In the next post I’ll take a look at interacting with your metadata.

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Saturday 7 May 2016

Salesforce - It's not just for Ladies

Salesforce - It’s not just for Ladies



This week I (and many, many others - check the picture above!) attended the “An Evening with Ladies who Salesforce" event at Salesforce Tower in London, organised by the team behind the London Salesforce Women in Tech - Freya Crawshaw, Louise Lockie and Jodi Wagner. This was a vertical journey for me, as the BrightGen offices are on the 18th floor!


The keynote talk was from Anne-Marie Imafidon, Head Stemette. Stemettes are doing an amazing job of enabling the next generation of girls into STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths).  Note that I’ve chosen the word enabling rather than encouraging deliberately - part of Anne-Marie’s slot included a video from the Outbox Incubator, and its clear that these girls already have an enormous amount of interest and enthusiasm (and energy!) for technology and development. 

Panel Time

The second part of the evening was a panel discussion on career pathing in the Salesforce ecosystem, with an impressive panel lineup including Salesforce MVP Jenny Bamber, Certified Technical Architect Doina Figural (the first female CTA outside of the US and one of only three worldwide) and Salesforce EVP and GM of App Cloud, Adam Seligman.

I found this an enlightening discussion, as it covered a lot of areas that I’ve never really thought about before - planning where you want to be and structuring an approach to get there for example. My own “career” (which it has taken me a long time to accept that I have one, as opposed to a series of jobs) has tended to be more about following the tech that I’m interested in, so I’ve worked for a number of small companies that either haven’t made it or have turned into very different places from the one I’ve joined. When that has happened I’ve moved on to the next one, usually taking a pay cut and dropping down from a senior to a mid-level position while I learn the ropes.

Only once or twice, when this has happened in the midst of a recession for example, have I actually worried about whether I’d be able to find another position, so it was very interesting to hear from people who have had to take a very different approach to their career, purely because through an accident of birth they happen to be a different gender.

One of the questions from the audience was around how companies can attract more women to apply for their open positions - something very close to my heart as I’ve been on a long journey to attract the first female developer to BrightGen, which finally came to an end in early 2016. It wasn’t that we were interviewing females and rejecting them, but we were getting very few CVs, and understandably many of those that we interviewed weren’t keen on being the one and only female writing code. One  panelist’s answer was around what do you tell the recruitment agents in terms of the diversity that you want from the CVs that they send you. This resonated enormously, as it has never occurred to me that I have to do anything other than ask agents to send me their best CVs.

Its not just for Ladies!

So what was I doing there? The clue is in the name - An Evening with Ladies who Salesforce, not for Ladies who Salesforce! I wasn’t the only man either - there were three or four others outside of Adam on the panel and various Salesforce representatives. It was unusual, shall we say, being at a Salesforce community event in London where I was very much in the minority, but how dull would life be if everything was always the same.

So I’d recommend these events to any men in the Salesforce ecosystem, especially those hoping to lead - its vital to understand things from the viewpoint of others, and the best way to achieve this is to listen to others. If you are worried about being the only man there, tough! We expect the women that attend the developer events to be able to handle being in the minority (and at times flying solo), so we should be able to handle this when the roles are reversed.